The different kinds of things you see when you're on a road trip...

I can't promise this post won't be pointless.

When you're going somewhere with no specific destination in mind, suddenly random things start looking interesting and sometimes, you really do find interesting places.

Look, its the mountain we all drew when we were young.
Wooden house on I-beams somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
This place will be covered in snow in the winter.

And sometimes you find something you had no idea exists. Something awesome. Like a waterfall.
It's somewhere in Tannourine. No idea how to get there, but it's beautiful.

That's not one, not two, but THREE layers of waterfall. 

So why aren't these places known? Oh, I know, because even though the view in front of you is spectacular, looking down you'd only get this.

Egg cartons. You don't find those in nature! Take that, tourists.

I guess the only point I can find here is that us, the city people, should start going out of the city more often. And for the love of the FSM, don't litter. 


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